Event Coordinator: Astrid Dux, VILTA Vice President
Article by: Reeya Ardini
Dalam rangka memeriahkan perayaan hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke 77, VILTA bekerja sama dengan Konsul Koordinator Informasi Sosial dan Budaya, Bapak I Made Oka Wardhana dari Konsulat Jendral Republik Indonesia di Melbourne; untuk membantu menyelenggarakan LOMBA POSTER dengan tema "Hewan-hewan Asli Indonesia".

To commemorate the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, VILTA collaborated with the Consul Coordinator for Information Social and Cultural Affairs, Mr I Made Oka Wardhana from Indonesian Consulate General in Melbourne; to help organize the POSTER COMPETITION with the theme "Indonesian Native Animals".
Lomba yang ditujukan untuk anak sekolah usia Preparation hingga Tahun ke-8 diikuti secara antusias oleh berbagai sekolah di penjuru Victoria. Penting untuk diketahui bahwa gambar seluruh peserta sangat bagus! Terimakasih atas partisipasinya dan kami tunggu di perlombaan selanjutnya.
Various schools throughout Victoria enthusiastically followed the competition, which addressed Preparation up to Year 8 students. It's important to know that the pictures from all the participants were outstanding! Thank you for participating, and we look forward to the next competition.
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 'Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesian ke 77' poster competition. Selamat bagi para pemenang!
Special mention: Thank you to all Bahasa Indonesia Teachers for supporting and encouraging your students to participate in this competition.
Kelas 8 (Year 8)

Juara 1: "Hari Kemerdekaan Poster" by Charlize Bacarac - Ave Maria College

Juara 2: "Tekek" by Harry Daniels - St Bede's College

Juara 3: "Hewan Asli Indonesia" by Paige Ilievski - Loyola College
Kelas 7 (Year 7)

Juara 1: "Indonesian native animal poster" by Melina Lay - Killester College

Juara 2: "Hewan Asli Indonesia" by Mia Reid - Loyola College

Juara 3: "Kesetaraan untuk semua" by Andriana Szabo - Heathmont College
Kelas 6 (Grade 6)

Juara 1: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Summer Wilde - Marlborough Primary School

Juara 2: "Hari Kemerdekaan" by Dakota and Clevin - St John the Apostle

Juara 3: "Hari Kemerdekaan" by Sophia - St John the Apostle
Kelas 5 (Grade 5)

Juara 1: "Gajah Merayakan Kemerdekaan" by Anushka Saranathan - Goulburn Valley GS

Juara 2: "Kuat dan Merdu" by Ella Canty - Goulburn Valley Grammar School

Juara 3: "Hari Kemerdekaan" by Keomi - St John the Apostle
Kelas 4 (Grade 4)

Juara 1: "Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia 77" by Luca Mihaesi - Bayswater North Primary School

Juara 2: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Marly Matlock - Marlborough Primary School

Juara 3: "Maleo Bird" by Eve Ayres - Lavers Hill K-12 College
Kelas 3 (Grade3)

Juara 1: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Kieren Haynes-Ford - Marlborough Primary School

Juara 2: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Taya Wells - Bayswater North Primary School

Juara 3: "The Sumatran rainforest love" by Olive - Bayside Christian College
Kelas 2 (Grade 2)

Juara 1: "An Orangutan swinging in the rainforest" by Liora V. - Bayside Christian College

Juara 2: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Aiva Thomson - Marlborough Primary School

Juara 3: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Addison Roberts - Bayswater North Primary School
Kelas 1 (Year 1)

Juara 1: "Orangutan swinging in the Borneo rainforest" by Maximos S. - Bayside Christian College

Juara 2: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Mabel Cousland - Malborough Primary School

Juara 3: "Hari Indonesia 77" by Angus Barre - Marlborough Primary School
Kelas 0 (Preparation)

Juara 1: Divsheen Kaur - Bayswater North Primary School

Juara 2: "Indonesia ke-77" by Hannah Hegarty-Kemp - Bayswater North Primary School

Juara 3: "Hari Indonesia" by Lucy Allen - Marlborough